Friluftsliv* and Fellowship; Nature Connection for Elders in Norway
25th March 2025
*Friluftsliv; a handy word meaning open-air living, capturing the Scandinavian approach to living life in harmony in nature.
There is less than a week to go until I set off on my Churchill Fellowship trip to Norway. My trains and ferries are booked, my itinerary is planned and my diary is nearly full with a list of visits and appointments with organisations doing innovative work in my area of study. All that is left for me to do is to pack my bags and say goodbye to colleagues, friends and family. But before I do, I need to explain why I’m going. Afterall, two months is a long time to disappear, leaving my business and family to manage without me ‘on a free holiday’, as at least one person has described it, (its not)!
My proposal is to learn how to overcome barriers for older people, particularly those with care needs, to connect with nature. The amazing benefits of spending time in nature are well documented. They include better mental health, increased physical fitness, improved sleep, boosted immunity, as well as a positive impact on our relationships with nature and each other. In our work at Get Out More, we are driven by the desire to connect communities and nature so we can all grow healthier together. We’re proud to work with people of all ages, from babies to adults. But a group that we feel are under-served, by ourselves and society as a whole, is older people, particularly people with care needs. Today’s generation of seniors may have lived a lifetime of enjoying the outdoors, but unfortunately in later life, are too often denied opportunities to spend time in nature and can spend most of their days completely indoors, ‘protected’ from the elements and therefore unable to access the many health benefits that spending time in nature can bring.
Having run a series of outdoor sessions with older people in Bradford this year, and found joy and challenge in equal measure I will be visiting projects in Norway to learn from good practice there and hopefully understand how we can overcome barriers and better enable nature-based programmes for all.
In essence, by research on my travels will focus on three questions:
- What activities are older people enjoying in nature?
- How are the perceived challenges and barriers to accessing nature overcome?
- How can we implement more ideas and approaches to nature connection with older people in UK?
As I approach this trip I am full of excitement and trepidation, and hope that I can justify the belief that the Churchill Fellowship and the team at Get Out More have in this idea. I’m looking forward to meeting all the people I have been contacting for the past six months, and reporting back regularly through this blog. Wish me luck and watch this space!
Annie Berrington
Founder and Managing Director at Get Out More CIC
[Photo credit: Svoragrova – Stryn, Norway by Guisepe Milo, source: Flickr under Creative Commons license]