Bradford walkers striding to health
14th March 2017
Get Out More has been helping parents in Bowling and Barkerend areas of Bradford get fit and feel good, thanks to funding received from the Go:Walking programme which aims to encourage more people to walk more often. In partnership with Better Start Bradford, a community-led programme who work with families with young children, and interpretation service Enable 2, the 10 week programmes have helped women from Asian communities discover local walks and meet others mums and grandmothers.
“I am more active and its stress relief from depression. I didn’t know any of these ladies before but I’ve made new friends”
Evaluation of the programme showed that not only had the walks significantly increased the amount of exercise each week, but the women had improved their English and made new friends, helping them feel happier and more relaxed.
“Walking keeps us fit and healthy. Walking in a group encourages us to be more active and takes us out of depression. Staying indoors is very depressing. My baby is a handful so it’s good to have an excuse to get out of the house!”
As well as getting to know local green spaces like Peel Park and Myra Shay, Annie from Get Out More led walks in local beauty spots like Saltaire and St Ives estate. All the women agreed they would like to walk more often and get to know more of the Bradford area.
“We would like to do more walks, it’s better for our health. People would be sat at home but they are out in the fresh air. Very nice – bodies working, brain is happy, everybody friends”