Our exciting, hands-on outdoor learning workshops enrich the curriculum.
Inspired by the natural environment, our outdoor education sessions focus on skills for learning including developing relationships, health and wellbeing, teamwork and communication skills and link to curriculum subjects such as science, literacy, art and history.
We can create an outdoor learning day just for you, drawing on our forest school skills. We facilitate active learning days that incorporate games and practical activities with inspiring links to lessons, such as our London’s Burning session that brings the Great Fire of London topic to life.
Our locations
We hold our workshops on your school grounds, playing fields or in nearby natural areas. We work with:
- Nurseries
- Primary schools
- Secondary schools
- PRU and alternative provision
- SEND groups
- Nurture groups
What you’ll do
Creative writing
Hands-on learning
This active and hands-on approach brings learning to life. Children will explore stimulating and thought-provoking learning experiences using the natural world around them.
Get Out More outdoor learning sessions include elements of problem-solving, managed risk-taking, creativity and cooperation through diverse activities which draw on our experience of running forest schools. Our outdoor learning days can include practical skills, team games, and natural art to engage children in learning and improve confidence and self-esteem.
We are experienced in developing bespoke outdoor learning days which encourage learners to work together, inspiring a deeper level of engagement in the curriculum. Whatever the size of your outdoor space, Get Out More can create an outdoor learning day to meet the needs of your group.
London’s Burning!
London’s Burning is a full-day outdoor learning workshop for up to two Key Stage 1 classes, exploring the Great Fire of London topic. The morning session focuses on history and art as pupils learn about seventeenth-century London and make a street of Tudor-style buildings.
In the afternoon we incorporate history with science and head outdoors to set fire to the cardboard and buildings and see how it spreads. Pupils get to experience the sights, sounds and smells of a real fire, supervised by a trained professional. London’s Burning is an experiential learning day that helps pupils understand the context of the Great Fire of London in 1666 and inspires writing through first-hand experience of fire. We’ll discuss fire safety and pupils will go home with a greater understanding and respect for fire, learnt in a responsible and safe learning space.